
指南者留學(xué) 2021-11-22 08:04:07

劍橋大學(xué)(University of Cambridge)MPhil in Biological Science (MRC Cognition and Brain Sciences Unit)是劍橋大學(xué)(University of Cambridge)MRC Cognition and Brain Sciences Unit, MRC Cognition and Brain Sciences Unit開設(shè)的專業(yè)。指南者留學(xué)整理收集2020年劍橋大學(xué)(University of Cambridge)MPhil in Biological Science (MRC Cognition and Brain Sciences Unit)申請截止時間、2020年劍橋大學(xué)(University of Cambridge)MPhil in Biological Science (MRC Cognition and Brain Sciences Unit)語言成績要求、2020年劍橋大學(xué)(University of Cambridge)MPhil in Biological Science (MRC Cognition and Brain Sciences Unit)申請材料要求供大家參考。

劍橋大學(xué)MPhil in Biological Science (MRC Cognition and Brain Sciences Unit)語言成績要求-申請截止時間-申請材料要求

劍橋大學(xué)(University of Cambridge)MPhil in Biological Science (MRC Cognition and Brain Sciences Unit)申請截止時間

2021-6-30F all


天文学研究所 医学遗传学系 斯科特极地研究所 生物学院 计算机科学与技术系 亚洲与中东研究学院 生理学、发育与神经科学学系 犯罪学研究所 地球科学系 现代和中世纪语言与语言学学院 拉丁美洲研究中心 音乐学院 哲学学院 社会学系 生物化学系 遗传学系 剑桥干细胞研究所 古典学院 认知与脑科学单元 英语学院 公共卫生与初级护理学院 历史与哲学科学系 物理学系 地理学系 兽医学系 MRC 代谢科学研究所 精神病学系 艺术史系 历史学院 建筑系 化学工程与生物科技学院 社会人类学学系 法学院 应用数学与理论物理学系 工学院 政治与国际研究学系 考古学系 经济学院 土地经济学院 教育学院 商学院
专业中文名 专业英文名 其他
MASt Astrophysics
申请条件 学费 排名

劍橋大學(xué)(University of Cambridge)MPhil in Biological Science (MRC Cognition and Brain Sciences Unit)語言成績要求

TOEFL TOEFL Internet Score:Listening 25;Writing 25;Reading 25,Speaking 25,Total 100. IELTS IELTS (Academic):Listening 7.0,Writing 7.0,Reading 6.5,Speaking 7.0,Total 7.0.

劍橋大學(xué)(University of Cambridge)MPhil in Biological Science (MRC Cognition and Brain Sciences Unit)申請材料要求

PS We ask all applicants to provide a 1-2 page research proposal detailing the topic they would like to cover in their PhD, plus a CV and two references, all to be supplied electronically via the University application system. Do not send items directly to the Unit by post or email, they cannot be accepted directly. GPA At least a 2.1 in an Honours degree or equivalent (eg CGPA 3.5/4.0) in a relevant subject CV We ask all applicants to provide a 1-2 page research proposal detailing the topic they would like to cover in their PhD, plus a CV and two references, all to be supplied electronically via the University application system. Do not send items directly to the Unit by post or email, they cannot be accepted directly. Fee You have submitted your application via the Applicant Portal and paid the £50 application fee RL We ask all applicants to provide a 1-2 page research proposal detailing the topic they would like to cover in their PhD, plus a CV and two references, all to be supplied electronically via the University application system. Do not send items directly to the Unit by post or email, they cannot be accepted directly. Transcript Uncertified copies or provisional versions of transcripts should be uploaded to your self-service account. Originals or certified copies should be sent to the Graduate Admissions Office(http://www.graduate.study.cam.ac.uk/other-ways-contact-us).Your official transcript may be sent to us electronically only if your institution has, or can use, a recognised secure electronic transcript system (eg Digitary or HEAR/GradIntel). You will need to contact your institution to enquire whether they offer this facility. These systems work by generating a web address for your electronic transcript on a trusted website, or a secure access token, which either you or your institution can notify us of, by sending a message via the system to bgstranscripts@admin.cam.ac.uk. Please arrange for this to be done after you have submitted your application, so that your electronic transcript can be associated with your other documents. Please note that we cannot accept transcripts that are attached to emails sent directly to us.




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