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指南者留學 美研老阿姨Eva
<p style="text-align: justify;"><span class="p">教育技術EduTech相關的選校List :</span></p>
<p style="text-align: justify;"> </p>
<p style="text-align: justify;"><span class="p">★哈佛大學| Learning Design, Innovation, and Technology (LDIT) </span><br /><span class="p">★斯坦福大學 | Learning Design and Technology (LDT) </span><br /><span class="p">★斯坦福大學 | <a style="color: #1890ff;" href="http://pnemnih.cn/majr_72556" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Education Data Science</a> </span><br /><span class="p">★賓夕法尼亞大學 | Learning Sciences and Technologies </span><br /><span class="p">★約翰霍普金斯大學| ITGL- Digital Age Teaching and Learning Technology (STEM)</span><br /><span class="p">★西北大學 | <span style="color: #1890ff;"><a style="color: #1890ff;" href="http://pnemnih.cn/majr_72128" target="_blank" rel="noopener">MSED in Learning Science</a></span> </span><br /><span class="p">★范德堡大學 | Master of Education (M.Ed.) in Learning and Design </span><br /><span class="p">★哥倫比亞大學| <span style="color: #1890ff;"><a style="color: #1890ff;" href="http://pnemnih.cn/majr_72650" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Instructional Technology and Media</a></span></span><br /><span class="p">★哥倫比亞大學 |<span style="color: #1890ff;"><a style="color: #1890ff;" href="http://pnemnih.cn/majr_71672" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Learning Analytics</a></span> </span><br /><span class="p">★喬治城大學| MA in Learning, Design, and Technology </span><br /><span class="p">★卡內基梅隆大學| Masters of Educational Technology and Applied Learning Sciences (METALS) </span><br /><span class="p">★密歇根大學 Master of Arts in Educational Studies- Design and Technologies for Learning Across Culture and Contexts</span><br /><span class="p">★紐約大學 | Digital Media Design for Learning (DMDL) </span><br /><span class="p">★佛羅里達大學 Master's of Arts in Education with an emphasis on Educational Technology </span><br /><span class="p">★德州奧斯汀大學 | Master's degrees (M.A. or M.Ed.) in Learning Technologies (LT) </span><br /><span class="p">★伊利諾伊大學香檳分校 | Digital Environments for Learning, Teaching, & Agency (DELTA)</span><br /><span class="p">★雪城大學 |M.S. in Instructional Design, Development and Evaluation</span><br /><span class="p">★北卡羅來納香檳分校 | MEITE - Master of Arts in Educational Innovation, Technology, and Entrepreneurship</span></p>
<p style="text-align: justify;"> </p>
<p style="text-align: justify;"><span class="p">非美地區(qū) :</span></p>
<p style="text-align: justify;"><br /><span class="p">★香港大學 <span style="color: #1890ff;"><a style="color: #1890ff;" href="http://pnemnih.cn/majr_72232" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Master of Science in Technology, Design and Leadership for Learning [MSc(TDLL)]</a></span> </span><br /><span class="p">★倫敦大學學院 <span style="color: #1890ff;"><a style="color: #1890ff;" href="http://pnemnih.cn/majr_50684" target="_blank" rel="noopener">MA Education and Technology</a></span></span></p>